Preparation for Fictional Narrative II filming

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We’re set to film Fictional Narrative II this Friday, Saturday and Sunday in and around Western Sydney locations. Below are some of the images from test shots to prepare lighting for our evening filming sessions. Exciting? Yes, we think so too!

Fictional Narrative II, as you can probably deduce by now, centers around a crime scene. A woman’s bicycle is stolen and one day it reappears battered and broken. The story sets out to discover the mystery behind it all. We won’t give away too much so you’ll have to either come to our Premiere Film Screening at the Powerhouse Youth Theatre in Fairifeld NSW on 12 October (more details to come) or you’ll have to donate to our Pozible fundraising campaign to view the film from the comfort of your home!

For anyone who has donated to our Pozible campaign, you will be receiving exclusive behind-the-scenes updates on the Production for Fictional Narrative II so keep your eye our for updates in your email inbox!

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FBS on Pozible

Earlier this year we received a $4,000 community cultural development grant from Fairfield City Council. As part of that grant we planned to fundraise additional funds to supplement the Council grant. We’re currently aiming to raise $3,000 to bring our total pool of money up to $7,000 for the 4 short films plus 1 behind-the-scenes doco we’re creating. Typically, one single short film costs between $7,000-$10,000 to create. Here, we’re creating five short films for the same amount of money and we really need your help and support. Please visit and support the project by donating as little as $5 (yes, every dollar counts!) and sharing this site on Facebook, on Twitter or with any of your family and friends who support cycling promotion, community initiatives and local film making projects in south-western Sydney.




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