Support our project through Pozible!

FBS on Pozible

Yes, we’ve kicked off our Pozible campaign to help fundraise to make Fairfield Bike Shorts a success!

For those not familiar with crowdfunding, it is a method of fundraising which reaches out to lots of people to get their support and donation for the project to make it happen. Lots of little donations CAN make a huge difference and crowdfunding helps facilitate this. Pozible is a crowdfunding platform which requires people to meet their target in order to receive funds. So that means your money will only be collected from you if the project achieves its fundraising goal. So it’s very important Fairfield Bike Shorts receives as much support from as many people as possible in order for our campaign to be successful.

Typically, a short film costs around $7,000 to make happen. Here with Fairfield Bike Shorts, we’re aiming to create FIVE short films with the same amount of money – it’s an absolute bargain! The project thus far has received $4,000 from Fairfield City Council and we’re targeting an additional $3,000 just to make things easier for us. Costs to be covered include the cost of editing all the footage, costs of props for filming, food for participants and film extras during production and costs for food for the launch of the films in October. So please visit our Pozible website and check out the rewards on offer and submit a donation to support local filmmaking projects which help promote cycling.

Very tight on cash at the moment? No problem. Lend a hand by telling all your friends about the Fairfield Bike Shorts Pozible campaign and spreading the word and consider even donating $5. Every little bit helps.

Check out our fundraising video below and go to the Pozible website to find out more. Visit

Thanks for your support. Every dollar counts!




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